The Church Irresistable


In this episode Dean and Justin share about their recent travels and inability to catch fish. Then Justin discusses the beautiful expression of church he uncovered in the Free State.

Listen here, or right-click and choose save as to download

Jesus and the authority flip

itunes-barefootIn what turns out to be Justin and Deans most explosive podcast every, they discover Jesus declaring his kingdom message that undoes their concepts of sovereignty, politics and authority in the most beautiful way

Please note that due to Soundcloud’s restrictions we can no longer offer their embedded player. However you can subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or get it hereĀ Click to play, or right click to “Save as”.

I share this to start a conversation and so I would love to hear your thoughts

The B.I.B.L.E edition part 3

In this final part of the series Dean and Justin discuss how adding different dimensions to our reading and understanding of truth can make it come alive, turning truth into beauty and a living encounter with the Person of Truth

The B.I.B.L.E edition part 2

Check out part 2 of this interesting discussion about how we can breath life and beauty back into our bible reading. As always we would love to hear your comments and feel free to subscribe here on my blog or on iTunes. Enjoy!

The B.I.B.L.E edition

In this podcast Dean and I look at the Bible. We all know that we should be reading the Bible, but many of us don’t and feel guilty about it. SO we look at how you can “spice” it up, why we struggle to connect to the Bible and how we can change some of these perspectives. Please comment below, we want this to be more than just a conversation between two guys.

Setting the Table


In this episode Justin and Dean are in “prison”, they also use their free time to talk about what might be the basis for our christian unity, the sacrament of Eucharist and how it might be reframed so that it becomes part of our daily life. I hope you enjoy!

My new podcast


Hey there, sorry for the long absence. I have just been busy, but also busy looking at how I can better connect and express my heart. So I have decided to try out podcasting. I hope you enjoy this first episode.

The episode will explain what we are trying to do and achieve, essentially it will be an extension of this blog and it’s content, but hopefully more regular, about once a week. I would still value your input and comments. I will post every episode here.

Blessings and the Love of Jesus be yours!